Tutorial Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus

Tutorial Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus

office 2013

Tutorial Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2013 - Sebelum ini, saya sudah share tentang download Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus dan serial key nya. Nah, kali ini saya akan share bagaimana cara untuk aktivasi Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus yang sudah anda download dan install di komputer anda. Ada 2 cara untuk mengaktivasi Office anda, cara pertama yaitu melalui menu "Windows Activation" yang ada di "System Setting", dan cara yang kedua melalui command prompt. Ingin tahu lebih jauh?
Kalau begitu tidak usah berlama-lama, akan saya berikan step-step aktivasinya dibawah ini :
Cara 1 : Aktivasi Via Telepon

1. Install Office 2013
2. Before activate disconnect internet! Open Word 2013
3. Use the activation key

4.Enter the product key

5.Activation wizard click phone activation

6. Next step select UK and use skype for free call this number [+448000188354] ***[This step you can reconnect internet again]

7. Dial phone and If they ask:
Q: Product key for home or business
A: Home [Dial 1]

After giving installation ID final question:
Q: How many computer you want to use it
A: 1 [Dial 1]

8.You will get Confirmation ID. Use the Conf. ID then next to activate it.

Cara 2 : Aktivasi dengan [Command Prompt +Admin]
1. Install Office 2013 Pro Plus.
2. Turn off your internet connection.
3. Open CMD as administrator
4. Enter the line below:
HTML Code:
32 bit: cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /dinstid
64 bit: cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /dinstid
5. Open up Word 2013 and enter the key
6. Hit enter. Select "Activate via phone."
7. Once again, call the UK number [+448000188354] to get your Confirmation ID

Activation Verification
cmd with admin
HTML Code:
CScript.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus

Enjoy your Office 2013 Permanently Activated,.. :)

Cara Menghapus key yang sudah di block oleh Microsoft :
How to delete your block keys in Office 2013
1. Find out your key and installation screen:
cscript "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /dstatus
[for x86 bit office on x64 bit Windows]
cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /dstatus
[for x64 bit office on x64 bit Windows or x86 on x86]
2.Delete the block key:
cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE
[for x64 bit office on x64 bit Windows or x86 on x86]
cscript "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE
[for x86 bit office on x64 bit Windows]
[Adjust Program Files or Program Files(x86) according to OS and Office version you need to enter last 5 digit like XXXXX]
Sebenarnya sudah ada aktivator untuk office 2013 ini, bisa dicoba menggunakan KMS Activator. Sekian share saya kali ini, semoga berguna,.. :)

3 Responses to Tutorial Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus

  1. Mau belajar microsoft office , desain grafis , dan programming? yuk lihat tutorialnya di tutorial-tutorial gratis

  2. Jika menggunakan CMD bisa aktif berapa lama gan?

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    Berkut ini adalah kerusakan yang biasa kami temui :

    Software :
    1 Install Ulang Windows (WinXp,Win7,Win8,Win10)
    2. Install Drivers (VGA,Sound,Printer dll)
    3. Install Games (Pes2014,Need for speed,dll)
    4. Install Software (autocad,Photoshop,Office,dll)
    5. Virus Cleaning (Trojan,Worm,Heal Data)
    6. Recovery DATA (Terformat,Terpartisi,Terdelete,dll)

    Hardware :
    1. Mati total
    2. Tidak Tampil
    3. Bunyi Bunyi
    4. BlueScreen
    5. Lemot
    6. Tidak Bisa Masuk Windows
    7. Sering Hang,Restart
    8. Installasi Lan/Wireless

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